
Monday, March 6, 2017

Plutonic transmission 1

It's oceanic, transcendent bliss being the number one for a love and romance addict. There's nothing like being someone else's fix, the embodiment of that total rush and the alpha and omega of their existence. But when the high wears off be ready to be set aside, as soon as a new fix comes along. Because it was never about you at all- it was about the fix itself the whole time. And there you were with your own ego so flattered by being the center of someone else's obsession. Well, when you're irrelevant because you don't provide the required rush anymore and someone "new" does, good luck with that.


  1. The love/romance addiction model I find interesting, as a heuristic device. I wonder though whether what you describe as addictive attachment could instead be characterised as romantic infatuation? Or as narcissism?

  2. Good questions! Here is a fairly detailed and in my experience accurate diagnostic quiz from Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. I get straight A's and so would my ex.

    One could argue that the addiction model pathologizes what is a "normal" or even inevitable human experience, but what's missing there is the compulsive nature of it-- the mental obsession combined with a phenomenon of craving for more that is the hallmark of all addiction.


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