
Friday, March 24, 2017

Books of changes

Delay in having time with the ex's son, as she indicates to me that the boy's father is in the middle of moving in with his partner, out of the house that the boy has grown up in, and that the transition with the ex and me has also got him spun somewhat. Apparently, she asked him what he wanted, and his preference is to not see me just yet. I totally get it. There's a lot of change in the air. I'm in no rush anyway. The last thing I would want to do is force a situation and agitate him. He's sensitive and intuitive and he knows me very well, so I'm sure he would pick up on my grief right now and he's got his own stuff to deal with.

The I Ching, hexagram 44, Coming to Meet, Adultery, Temptation:

Changing 4th line, going to Hexagram 57, The Gentle, The Penetrating (Wind over Wind):

The fourth line changing in Coming to Meet suggests that the situation is definitely being heavily influenced by "outside" interference. I suspect the new paramour is threatened by me and is resisting my having a continued connection with the ex's son. At this time, the ex is trying to assuage his feeling of threat by preventing me from seeing her son. But the outer reasons given-- all of the upheaval in her son's life-- are equally legitimate, so there's absolutely no position from which I can try to force the issue.

Instead, the hexagram changing into The Gentle and The Penetrating (ceaseless wind), suggests that a reuniting process with the son will take a long time and a lot of consistently gentle, non-threatening behavior on my part.

The old school interpretations of Coming to Meet are all about the femme fatale, the evil woman, the temptress, the "dark force" of female sexuality "corrupting" a strong and virtuous man. I think it's probably healthier to go metaphorically with all of this, in spite of the literal temptations.

Overall, it's interesting to be dealing with so many different forms of restraint lately. I am in general not a patient person and especially impulsive with communication. My communication style does best in a free and open atmosphere that has few rules. The transition I am currently in is by comparison extremely constricted and narrow.

I keep getting the urge and impulse to confront the ex and try to force some kind of communication. At the same time, I keep getting strong warnings from the universe or whatever to just not do that. Just let go, turn my attention elsewhere, move on. Let it all unfold without you. Leave the situation rather than look for more information. Take all the information I already have and just trust it. These are all forms of non-action or opposite, detaching and letting go action that I tend to avoid.

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