
Thursday, March 16, 2017

At home in Hades

One of the much-missed aspects of life with the ex was her insistence on a highly functional combination of comfort and utilitarian practicality. She is highly skilled at making nests. Over the 5.5 years we were together, I saw her nesting ability at her post-divorce apartment, at a small condo into which I eventually also moved, and, finally, at the house she bought in Chandler. She is one of these people who actually pays attention to her physical space and her habitat.

Missing it so much motivated me to exert considerable effort and resources into getting some basics together. The other motivation is that, the next time I move-- or even, perish the thought, get ejected from a long term domestic partnership-- I want to have a basic rig that can go anywhere for a landing. After years of a peripatetic life, with such a high number of moves, I am finally realizing that the old strategy of purchasing crap and then discarding it when I move in with a woman who has better stuff ought to end.

If I just get a few essential things that are relatively durable, I can break up and get back into relationships like mad.

I also realized I need a highly functional and relatively spacious area to get moving on grad school and stay moving.
What the work station looked like out of the box

Assembled, after a couple hours-- but no major hitches. A miracle. 

The room a few days ago when I first moved in


Waiting for a highly reviewed mattress frame to arrive today to put the new bed on. Then I'm going to get brackets and buy a headboard. Adulting is weird. 

Where a dissertation will be written, if it kills me

I have no idea what I'm doing but at least I feel like I can get going on whatever that is that I do not know I am doing. 

Rex says "Little old furry things are looking up"

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