
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Context and capacity

Hexagram 26: Controlled Power, changing to hexagram 57, The Penetrating, Wind

The changing bottom line of the first hexagram suggests that it is better to restrain oneself than to be restrained by another. If I were to advance (basically, take any action outside of the normal course of things at this time), I would be restrained by an outside force of some kind. But I have the capacity to restrain myself and thereby avoid being restrained by someone or something else. This is a vital difference from the standpoint of self respect, clarity of intention, effective action. 

There is a threat from a "subordinate," the changing 5th line. I'll take that to mean something less than productive in myself that can be changed, moderated, dealt with. 

The hexagram changing into wind over wind suggests very small efforts in a consistent direction-- no fast moves or big gestures, no sudden changes or reversals. 

This connects seamlessly with the general themes at this time. I'm appreciating how the I Ching addresses who a person is as well as what the situation is-- the conditioned nature of existence, no matter what qualities we have, means that time, surroundings, other circumstances require different action or non-action. My own tendency is to not even read the situation very conscously and smply to rely on the "rightness" of the story I am telling or my capacities. 

It reminds me of a time I got into serious heat exhaustion when I was doing field work in Baja-- I had developed just enough capacity and strength and stamina to get myself into trouble. I failed to holistically read the situation and know that simply exercising my capacities is not enough-- there has to be a contextual match or resonance. 

It also reminds me of the sound of a particular chord in a piece of music. Each individual chord is unassailable on its own, no problem. But context is all when chords follow on each other-- we exist in a web of relationships but think we are independent of conditions and context. 

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