
Monday, March 13, 2017

Down to Zero

Oh the feeling
When you're reeling
You step lightly thinking you're number one
Down to zero with a word
For another one
Now you walk with your feet back on the ground
Down to the ground
Down to the ground
Down to the ground
Down to the ground
--Joan Armatrading, Down to Zero

Ironically, a love song I shared enthusiastically with the ex. Most love songs are like this-- like boomerangs. Or like hot peppers that are exciting going down, painful coming back up.

Morning one at a place to land. 

Taking care of things, in spite of a desire to just crawl into a cave. I went by the house and got the stuff the ex had "kindly" placed out on the porch. She also included a dolphin vetebra I had given her after my last trip to Baja. I left it on the porch. I don't need any of the gifts I gave back. I gave them. 

Then to the storage unit, grabbing all of my clothes and a few other items. 

Then up to a vast car junkyard called Pluck a Part, for a sun visor. Hades for cars, right on the edge of swanky Scottsdale, I have huge admiration for junkyards that recycle car parts. It seems particularly resourceful and creative somehow. 

The visor was in the car I got sent to, but the single part I need the most, which is the plastic fixture that holds the visor in place against the roof of the car, was missing. I grabbed another visor that was in there, but alas it doesn't fit. So at the moment the sun visor is duct taped to the inside of the windshield. A new visor from Honda is $100.

Anyway, on the road again to a car place to get the front control arm bushings replaced so I don't drive into a wall. In spite of the temptation. 

One of the cool things about the new place-- four very sweet dogs. Missy, Rex, Lucy and Chewy. They are a little blurry here because I'm still a novelty. Instead of Cerberus, Percy gets these goofballs. 

Last night, helicopters and sirens in the neighborhood, endlessly, until I put my earplugs in. Ceiling fan in the hot, stuffy upstairs room. Not hot enough for the AC, but soon. 

Zero summer on the way. Candles on the Full Crow Moon. 

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