
Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Facebook is strange for sure. The feature where posts from a given day recycle so you can look back is great, a lot of the time, but can also lead to awkward revelations. On September 10 last year, (this year,what would have been the 6th anniversary of the partnership with A), for example, I wrote this:

"A and I celebrate 5 years today. The partnership has taught me a lot about having an adult relationship with all that adult stuff like honesty, communication, intimacy, love in action. I'm a better man than I was 5 years ago, in my opinion-- for more accurate data, you'd have to ask her. Grateful for learning how to show up in full for this very full life."

This rather bland, in retrospect, acknowledgement of what had become a tedious pedestrian exercise in mutual boredom and lack of admiration got 216 likes. 

Happy anniversary

And, funnily enough, her paramour, for whom she left me within the span of 5 months, wrote:

"Go ahead and gloat, you white-privilege patriarch-ass muthafucka."

And A used to wonder why I thought he was competing with me, and why I worried he was actively trying to destroy our partnership. I realize he was joking. But, uh, yeah. 

Facebook is just great a lot of the time, but it is also an arena where weird behavior, bad boundaries, unconscious shadow projections, bizarre and off the wall commentary and other random weirdness often occur. For the most part, I get a lot out of it and in at least one crucial way it has completely changed my life at the roots, profoundly. 

But it can also exercise those orbicularis oculi wince muscles. 

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