
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ah, You Vultures Out There!

A blunt measure of readership for this little independent journal and private printing press shows a distinct pattern-- If I had the time, I would graph in detail the fluctuation in hits depending on post content and tone. 

Happy, joyous, in love and exhilarated posts have noticeably low numbers. Tortured, hurting, problematic and cynical posts have much higher numbers. For voyeurs, I guess, bad news is good news. 

Here's just a sketch of recent posts and views:

Shitty text from ex: 48
"taken," about being in love: 28
Dark Enchantments: 42
Tender heart: 84
Walk in beauty: 32

Y'all need to lighten up. If I got paid by the view, I'd have to just whine about how fucked up and sad I am all the time. I'd be set. I could finally get them teeth. 

Also, in looking for something else clever and sardonic to post here, I found this saying repeatedly:

"The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you're the pilot."

What the actual fuck does that even mean? 

Here's the follow up shitty text from A that might guarantee me HUGE numbers because SAD:

"(re: the cats) "I'm trying to identify all the options. They need more stimulation, I think, and I do want to keep them if possible. But I want them to be happy. I will let you know. Glad to hear you're well. I'm okay. Work has been challenging. Everett's doing great. And I've learned a lot this year."


File under: enough about me, here's info about me. 

I am very glad to hear that Everett's doing great. Oops, having expressed that good news, I'm sure this post will hardly be seen by anyone. 

"The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, cars with airbags aren't fish." 

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