
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

No, no no

No second guessing, no condescending expressions of "concern," no disrespect cloaked in "I'm just asking," no triangulation, no victim mentality martyrdom, no.

No time.

Clear-eyed, I decided I did not want to be in a relationship with someone who I perceived as having bad boundaries and a toxic level of inauthenticity. That is my decision. Y'all who object to it can go on and object somewhere else. Take it somewhere else. You can either respect my boundaries and decision or expect to hear straight from me.

The simple plain fact that this person is running around the ends to try to get back to me just confirms my decision. And those of you who want to run the message need to stop. I am not able to finagle any of the vertices of the Karpman drama triangle at this time, thank you very much.

Let's review: Percy is on a trip through Hades. A lot of stuff can go down on such a trip. The main thing that is going down is sloughing off the awful shit of non-necessity. Down to the very bones of things. And in Hades, there is no room for treacle. Treacle is in fact anathema. No fake-ass sweetness and light, no cloying declarations followed by insults, no victim bullshit that lacks any sense of responsibility or self-awareness, no "expressions of concern" that are actually thinly cloaked expressions of anger and disagreement. There's just no room.


And it's just Percy. If you want to have that kind of relationship, there are a great many people who can dig it. So go do that thing! Do it on up! Make assumptions about people, insinuate a closer level of intimacy and friendship than actually exists, veil your condescending moralism in niceness and convince everyone you're a saint. Go right ahead. Not with Percy though. Not with good old Percy. And really what loss is that? None. You obviously know how to work your schtick. Go work it.

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