
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Out of control strategies and strategies out of control

The dance sometimes is about remembering that I am trying to manage things. My default setting is to feel like I have to do something, I have to make a decision, I have to figure things out, and if I don't make a resolution and stick to it, usually one that arises out of my clever mind, I will fail, get hurt, make a mistake (God forbid!) or otherwise fuck shit up.

But when I am out of control strategies, and allow for things to happen, it's all right.

My attempts to manage can be even more unmanageable than the situation that seems to me to require managing.

I had a good friend in AA who used to say two things that I remember in this regard:

1. If you have to manage it, it's unmanageable
2. You can afford your mistakes

I asked another friend in AA recently how things were going and she texted back "I am enjoying the divine unfolding!" I thought that was an awesome answer.

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