
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Living Road

At my sunny furnished oasis last year

It was two years ago, right around this time, that I submitted the first draft of the first chapter of my dissertation, clocking in at 75 pages, and truly an awful and unpublishable mess. Last January, from a quaint old motel room in Bishop, CA, during my endless wanderings, I submitted the paper to Ecology and Evolution. It was finally published today, and it's so weird to do that whole cycle from really rough draft to published journal article. It's a good feeling. Of course, I immediately read it and found five things I would change. But it's published, so, too late sucker. 

A second article is very close to being accepted and going to the proof stage. A third article out of the dissertation is next. The third hinges on formal acceptance of the second, due to nomenclatural changes that are included. 

Meanwhile, I've been thinking about this quotation all day, after finding it in Facebook memories:

" When you die, only three things will remain of you, since you will abandon all material things on the threshold of the Otherworld: what you have taught to others, what you have created with your hands, and how much love you have spread. So learn more and more in order to teach wise, long-lasting values. Work more and more to leave the world things of great beauty, And Love, love, love people around you for the light of love heals everything." French Druid Triad, Francois Bourillion 

As the Hunter's Full Moon approaches and the darkness of the end of daylight savings time (which, having been an Arizonan for the past 13 years, I had forgotten about) also approaches, I'm feeling mostly painfully introverted. Even just getting on Zoom to teach my classes has often felt like a Herculean labor this week. I find myself fantasizing about falling asleep and staying that way for years. I have been having the worst dreams, though, so...ay, there's the rub. Whatevs. The long fat stretch of October gives way to November and December, both of which are broken by time off. 

I'm yearning for the road again. 


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