
Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Beauty Way

Stumbled upon the core of Dine'é spirituality, the Beauty Way, last night and was reminded of how much I personally resonate with it.  

"Let me be clear: I didn't write this song. When I saw it at the Anasazi Museum at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, I was so impressed that I copied it for the introduction of my novel, Anasazi Harvest."
R. Leland Waldrip
Today I will walk out, today everything evil will leave me,
I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body.
I will have a light body, I will be happy forever,
nothing will hinder me.
I walk with beauty before me. I walk with beauty behind me.
I walk with beauty below me. I walk with beauty above me.
I walk with beauty around me. My words will be beautiful.
In beauty all day long may I walk.
Through the returning seasons, may I walk.
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.
With dew about my feet, may I walk.
With beauty before me may I walk.
With beauty behind me may I walk.
With beauty below me may I walk.
With beauty above me may I walk.
With beauty all around me may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty,
lively, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty,
living again, may I walk.
My words will be beautiful.

Anything that reminds me of this is healing. The face of the beloved, for example. Because (in part) the face of the beloved is a window that opens onto the rest of the world and offers the sacred reminder that, as the Jewish mystics say, there is nowhere God is not. 

Playa la Perla, Bahía Concepción, BCS

Being human, at least for the time being, I need regular reminders. 

My aggravating and perfect first AA sponsor, who always uttered the aphorisms that would circle around and around in my mind for days, weeks, years, was fond of saying "Love is. And it's the only thing that's going on." Ugh. wtf. Dude, it is most def not the only thing going on. Are you not paying attention?

But the core framework of his entire world view was unitarian- that all dualities or other fragmentations or splits are delusional and that the ultimate reality isn't in anyway either dual or many. He gave me this excerpt from something by philosopher-madman-possible charlatan Ken Wilber where Wilber talks about finding the many in the one, versus finding the one in the many. Finding the many in the one is similar to our ordinary experience-- simply, the apparent multiplicity of consciousness-- this and this and this, a "manifold," (pace Kant), except that (as opposed to Sartre for example) the multiplicity of "thises" emerges and returns to a fundamental unified ground of being. Wilber suggests that finding the many in the one is compassion. 

Finding the one in the many, on the other hand, is the mystical impulse or experience that sees the essential unity of every apparently distinct phenomenon. Each appearance insofar as it seems separate is an illusion and temporary, merely a facet or face of the one, which is the only reality. Wilber suggests finding the one in the many is love. 

This was very heady stuff for someone newly sober, but my sponsor knew me well enough to know that I "love" this kind of shit. If my mind is going to be kept occupied, especially in the process of recovery which occurs holistically and in all dimensions of one's being, not merely thoughts, then it might as well be kept occupied by paradoxes that also seem to bear some fruit in daily life. 

I was reflecting this morning on combining the Beauty Way with loving kindness devotions based on the heart of compassion, as reflected in the Brahma Viharas. The simplest translation I've found is:

May all sentient beings be well
May all sentient beings be happy
May all sentient beings be peaceful and at ease
May all sentient beings be full of lovingkindness

With beauty before me may I walk.
With beauty behind me may I walk.
With beauty below me may I walk.
With beauty above me may I walk.
With beauty all around me may I walk.

Incantations, fearless on my breath. The kind of shield that is not a defense, but an arms-wide welcome. I'm always brought to this clear view by what people call "falling in love." It has to start somewhere and return somewhere in this flesh and blood and rooted in the wet earth, for me. Or I forget. And what could be more unforgettable than the beloved?


  1. Range after range of mountains
    Year after year after year.
    I am still in love.
    Gary Snyder

  2. Integrity is wholeness,
    the greatest beauty is
    Organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty
    of the universe. Love that.
    Robinson Jeffers

  3. It is time for us to kiss the earth again,
    It is time to let the leaves rain from the skies,
    Let the rich life run to the roots again.”

    ― Robinson Jeffers, The Selected Poetry

  4. The beauty of things was born before
    eyes and sufficient to itself; the
    heartbreaking beauty

    Will remainwhen there is no heart to
    break for it.
    Robinson Jeffers

  5. To feel and speak the astonishing beauty of things—earth, stone and water,
    Beast, man and woman, sun, moon and stars—
    The blood-shot beauty of human nature, its thoughts, frenzies and passions,
    And unhuman nature its towering reality—
    For man’s half dream; man, you might say, is nature dreaming, but rock
    And water and sky are constant—to feel
    Greatly, and understand greatly, and express greatly, the natural
    Beauty, is the sole business of poetry.
    The rest’s diversion: those holy or noble sentiments, the intricate ideas,
    The love, lust, longing: reasons, but not the reason.
    Robinson Jeffers

  6. The tides are in our veins, we still mirror the stars, life is your child, but there is in me
    Older and harder than life and more impartial, the eye that watched before there was an ocean.”

    ― Robinson Jeffers


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