
Thursday, July 20, 2017

In which Percy is left breathless

Mysteries abound. 

So here's the thing: it turns out that a possibility during katabasis (or even an increased likelihood, which is something Percy had definitely NOT considered) is to have one's heart blown wide open by what ordinary mortals would call "falling in love, " but because the scene is Stygian at least until November 2018 (according to Percy's astrologer), the whole thing unfolds in lightning speed, in a not quite tangible space-time manifold (in a way only possible between two writers), with the beloved unavailable geographically and in many other practical and important ways deserving of protection, and yet: as fiercely and as actually real as if in the more usual way. Or, according to Percy's lights, far more so.  

Nothing else to say about this at this time. Other than: Percy also realizes that his past pattern has been to catch feels and be under the unnecessary obligation to act on them with urgency-- burning everything down, upsetting every cosmic apple cart, causing real harm and suffering for himself and others. In this case, he wakes to the fact that nothing needs to be done. That the gift is to love. No other action is required, no decisions are available. 

"The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens." Rainer Maria Rilke

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