
Monday, May 8, 2017

Hasty delays

Tired, having woken up at 2:30 and tossed and turned. Agitated, sad and angry in the middle of the night, always fun. Lately I have been going to bed at 9 and waking up at 3, hoping to fall back to sleep for a couple hours. Before A and I split, I was going to bed at 2 and waking up at 9. Reversals. 

The schedule I am on now definitely fits the hours of field work better. When I am working in the field, I am up with the sun and to bed with sunset, usually. This time of year, that's about a 12-13 hour day, most of which is occupied by work. So when I'm on Magdalena, for example, for 8 days, I can get almost 100 hours of work in. Considering the tissue collection and surveying I have planned, that might just about cover it. 

Signed a two year lease on a tiny guest house in Tempe, a 15 minute walk from ASU. It's also a 5 minute walk from the church where my home group meets every Tuesday. A bit on the pricey side in comparison with my grad student budget, and truly tiny (the space for the bed is 69 inches across and a queen size mattress is 60 inches, for example) but a good base from which to finish the PhD. 
It's in a great neighborhood, there's a washer and dryer, a bath tub and a back patio with shade. I have really enjoyed living where I am now, with the dogs and tortoise and my very kind housemate, but I am longing for my own space, no matter how tiny. 

Time to get ready to go. Waiting until about 11 to hear from the car place. If the car was in shape, I would be leaving right now. Not sure how often I'll be able to post here. I'm sure it will be an interesting month. 

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