
Friday, May 5, 2017

endless fucking gear and logistics

Who has time for the depths of Plutonian shadows in the midst of preparing for extended field work in Baja? This trip involves not only Isla Magdalena, but also a flight to Isla Cedros and a boat ride to Punta Norte, as well as an attempt to get tissue samples from about 13 different Mammillaria in the Cape Region and elsewhere. I will be gone from Monday 5/8 at least until June 1, possibly longer. 

Probably no opportunity to post here for that entire time. There is no reason to bring my laptop and I'm a little paranoid about having it taken at the border-- are they still taking people's computers? 

I might post just photos and a few words-- I realize it makes me sound 400 years old, but I have a hard time typing on my phone. It's slow, and it pisses me off. 

Back to preparation. The combination of camping logistics, travel logistics and botanical field work prep is a bit dizzying. But at least I've only obsessed over my rage and grief for about 3 minutes this morning. 

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