
Sunday, October 1, 2017

All the Sleazy People, Where Do They All Come From?

Good old Percy made the mistake of forming a professional relationship with a woman who runs a tour company in Baja California, based on the proposal to put together a trip specifically oriented to the cactus flora of the peninsula, an area in which Percy has deep expertise, but that's a long long story. 

All was great for the most part until the materials were completely put together for the trip. Suddenly, the company wanted Percy to do all the marketing and was proposing some very aggressive, spam-like approaches. Percy naively agreed to have a dummy Facebook timeline set up to promote the trip. All of a sudden dozens of rando friend requests were being sent from that dummy timeline, indiscriminately, to all of Percy's FB friends. 

Cease and desist! cried Percy. But still he held on to the idea of doing the trip. And things were temporarily righted, but a few days later, the page was back up and friend requests were going out again. 

Enough was enough-- relationship ended, withdrawal from the trip, etc. One of Percy's cactus acquaintances had already signed on and paid a deposit, and told Percy today that in communication with the woman who runs the tour company, he was told that she had no idea Percy had withdrawn his involvement. Wow! Sleaze factor times 10. Insane. 

Anyway, here are some beautiful pictures of beloved Baja. Maybe someday Percy will lead his own trip through that magical land. 

The road from Punta Baja to El Rosario de Abajo, Baja Calironia Norte, July 2012

The amazing panaderia, El Major Pan de Tecate

Sunrise over the river in San Ignacio, Baja California Sur

A small patch of lichen covered rocks where fog crests Isla Magdalena, BCS

I have not appreciated this process. I was always the cactus gSuy for the trip but suddenly found myself much more involved in marketing for you than I realized would be the case. I didn't realize my boundaries until the process unfolded. Then I set boundaries and they have been crossed again.
Please remove my name from all of your materials, remove my blog post from your website and, if you don't inform Jeff Harris today that I am no longer involved, I will inform him myself.
Good luck.

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