
Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Snag That was No Snag

So, an unlikely snarl-free hour in Manhattan and an easy trip back to Jersey. I was all set to be right on schedule and have everything happen exactly as I had imagined. The Gods were angered by how much good luck I was having and they broke my rental Toyota Prius. 2.5 hour wait for two truck. Cristian arrives, cranky and having worked for 12 hours already. 

And I was thinking, well, I'm sure the rental car company will get me into a replacement and I'll still pretty much be able to get to my ex sister in law and niece's house near Cherry Hill pretty much when I said I would, at 7. Cristian got the Prius up on the flatbed, took me to the nearest rental car office for the company I rented from, only about 3 miles away, and we waited in line. 

"Oh, no I can't get you a replacement, I'm only a licensee, you need to go to corporate to get a replacement."

"Okay, so where is the nearest corporate location?"

"Newark Airport."

Huh. So Cristian said, "Hell man, let's go. I get paid by the hour anyway. My girlfriend and I are going on vacation to see my family in Colombia next month and I need the money!" 

So we drove back to the Newark Airport. Cristian knew exactly where the rental car graveyard was, a few miles from the airport. He pulled in there, we offloaded the Prius and then the conundrum was-- how the hell are we going to get my suitcase, duffel bag, computer bag, two bags of dishes my mother had given me, a bag of books, a few pairs of shoes and a few other things into the front cab of a tow truck and still be able to fit two people? Gamely, Cristian figured it all out, arranging a few things on the flatbed and strapping them down, etc. 

Adios, Prius. 

The whole time we were on this weird little trip, Cristian and I were talking, sometimes in Spanish (for me, haltingly-- I kept saying "Entiendo más de lo que hablo" and he would just laugh and keep talking muy rápidemente)-- about his family in Colombia, his apartment in Queens that he shared with 3 other people, his girlfriend the nurse, their upcoming trip to Colombia, what a terrible boss his boss was, how driving a tow truck meant almost getting killed several times a day in traffic, etc. We had to basically yell at the top of our lungs, as the tow truck was incredibly loud for some reason. 

After we were all set, he drove me around to the rental car pick up desk, about 5 miles away. He helped me unload all of my stuff. We said a fond farewell and I got his PayPal so I could send him a tip-- I had no cash or checks on me-- over his trident protests. "No me debes nada, amigo. Todo está bien. Come visit my family in Colombia sometime."

I got back on the highway in a sort of smelly and totally American-feeling Chevy Malibu at about 8:30. I didn't get to the family visit until 10 pm, but my nephews, niece, grandniece and oldest brother were there, waiting up. It was a short visit already, with my plan being to leave the next day, July 8th, at about 1, headed for my sister's place near the Delaware River on the New York side. 

At one point my adorable 4 year old grandniece (who refused to go to sleep) handed me this, and it seemed like a message of some kind:

1 comment:

  1. In response to Cristian, who ended up being angel:

    "Ask The Angels"

    Moooooove! Ask the angels who they're calling,
    Go ask the angels if they're calling to thee
    Ask the angels while they're falling
    Who that person could possibly be

    And I know you got the feeling,
    You know, I feel it crawl across the floor
    And I know it got you reelin'
    And honey honey the call is for war
    And it's wild wild wild wild.

    Everybody got the feelin'
    You know the feeling and it's stronger each day
    Everybody wants to be reelin'
    And baby baby I'll show you the way

    And I know it's hard sometimes,
    You got a piece and hit across the sky
    And I know it's hard sometimes
    And world war is the battle cry
    And it's wild wild wild wild

    Across the country through the fields
    You know I see it written 'cross the sky
    People rising from the highway
    And war war is the battle cry
    And it's wild wild wild wild.

    Armageddon, it's gotten
    No savior jailer can take it from me
    World ending, it's just beginning
    And rock and roll is what I'm born to be
    And it's wild wild wild wild
    Wild wild wild wild

    Ask the angels if they're startin' to move
    Comin' in droves in from L.A.
    Ask the angels if they're starting to groove
    Lightning as armor and it's today
    It's wild wild wild wild
    Wild wild wild wild
    --Patti Smith.


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