
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Self-Absorbed Tosser

Which title is how a rather perceptive and boldly deep reader recently described good old Percy Hades, after dipping into this here blog. 

Okay, why not? I mean, it is likely to be true, since the accusation is wounding enough. If it were a complete misrepresentation, good old Percy Hades would just chuckle wryly, and say "smdh."

Yet somehow I feel perhaps the one wielding that particular rusty dagger, as brilliant and percipient as they clearly are, might have missed a slight detail we like to call context, that is, that this blog is specifically one of those "personal journal" blogs, yes? 

As in, a blog specifically about good old Percy's experiences as he bravely trundles, self-absorbed tosser or no, through hell. I mean, it's not as if Percy is not engaged in a great many other activities, thoughts, writing activities, and endeavors, *as well as * trying to limn the strangeness of being a callow newcomer in relationship recovery, after a decade and a half of substance addiction recovery. Trying to find ways to describe having had his entire life burned to the fucking ground a mere three years ago, and then all of the other *interesting* experiences, and their internal and external ramifications, that have happened in the interim. That, DEAR readers, is *entirely what this fucking blog is about*, so, yeah, there's a certain endless omphaloskepsis and self-absorption. Katabasis Central is, lo and behold, *self-absorbed tosser central*. 

Is it useful or even entertaining to others? Or is it all just annoying whinging and fucking endless agony and "self-help stuff" as another friend put it (a mischaracterization of recovery, but that's okay, I get it, I really do). Well good old Percy is here to tell you that he does not give one flying goddamned fuck whether you bloody wankers find it entertaining, useful, engaging, purposeful, meaningful, or whatever the fuck. 

Furthermore, anyone who would weaponize the bloody fucking mess that is this blog and use it to try to wound or ridicule the real life blood and guts human behind the persona of good old Percy can fuck the fuck right the fuck off. 

Self-absorbed tosser Percy Hades, signing off, with love, reciprocal daggers, and an enthusiastic oh hell no. 

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